Women Study Center
The women's studies center, Govt College of Education, Srinagar was eshtablished in 2006. Since then it has been working under the able guidance and direction of Dr. Parveen Pandit, principal of the college and also Director, wonen's study center. the objectives of the center are:
- Women emancipation - their capacityand confidence building.
- Assist women in their struggle for economic, social, cultural, poltical and mental empowerment.
- orientation and awareness of women about their rights, health and hygiene.
Since its insepction the center has conducted various orientation programmes, simenars, workshops, field camps for confidance and capacity building in adolescent girls, teachers and also sensitation about gender bias. The center has partnership with sarva sikhsha abhiyan, WISCOMP, British council Spring Board, Directorate of school Education.
Currently the womens studies center is conducting researches on various problems related to women.